The room was ok - bit hot and small, and the shower didnt work at all, but these were minor details. I got a beer and a trademark cheese and tomato sandwich, and tried to prepare for the following day. A group of Irish guys nearby were discussing their coming trip. There was a general air of activity and movement in the place. I was ready to go with the hike...
The next morning, after breakfast, I was packed and waiting at the main entrance with a bit group of other travelers. There was a general sen
We head off towards our starting point, the Londrossi Gate, but we soon stop to get "supplies" at a local supermarket. (Seems like a bit of a scheme to throw some tourist business to their friends at the supermarket.) In any case, I oblige, and get a packet of Ginger Snap biscuits for the outrageous price of $4.
Soon enough, we get there. We get our day packs on and I try out my walking poles for the first time -- it's 3:30 PM and we're finally started on the first day of the hike.
The pace is fairly easy, though my stomach is not feeling strong. All around there is rich vegitation and fairly dense forest. We can hear the croaking of monkeys all around. Occasionally, we see a few -- colubus monkeys with black and white coloring and long tails, a bit like flying skunks (they are flitting around in the trees above). We finally make it to our first camp, Mti Mkubwa (Big Trees) after about 3 hours.
Our tents are set up as is our personalized outhouse! we get a dinner of leek soup, potatoes and some fairly tough but very tasty spicy beef. There are strong wafts of pot around the campsite - this is clearly the porters' way to "acclimatize". It's very cold outside so I get into bed in the tent by 9 PM and immediately drop into sleep. I wake again at 4 AM, and am roused again from a fitful sleep by a monkey chorus at about 6 AM. Time for Day 2...
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